Friday, April 8, 2011

Twitter Feedback: Boycott Idol, Protest Idol, and more....

It's official, Ryan Seacrest !!! American Idol is going be boycott for the rest of the season. Ryan, I don't heard that America didn't vote for Pia Toscano because it bunch of BS. People did vote for Pia and her votes went to any contestant on the show. Last year,  I voted for Siohban Magnus and her votes went to Aaron Kelly. I'm calling for American Idol Boycott because American Idol is flawed and unreliable when its comes to voting for contestants.

The twitter hashtag: #AIFail or  #IdolFail

P.S-Lauren Aliana knows she is next one going home next week.

Here is twitter feedback.

 Pat Graf 
Just feeling really bad about the Idol results tonight. I Protest! I hope that Pia goes on to a smashing career.
 Amanda Salvatore :) 
I am so mad. Pia is off . This is so not fair. Let's protest!!!!
 Bertrand Might 
No more watching Idol this season in protest. That was BS.
 Stan Sobkowicz 
I'm not watching Idol anymore this season as a protest for the stupid choice of sending Via home. America got it so wrong tonight.
 Sarah Wright 
Did that just really happen on Idol????? The best person on the show just went home.. Can we protest to bring her back?!
 Darren Matthews 
“@: I still can't believe Pia got voted off American Idol.” I may have to boycott the rest of the season
 Shane Lewis 
“@: Pia just got booted off American Idol. Biggest mistake in Idol history. If they don't bring her back. I BOYCOTT. Shameful!
 Brittany Bernstein 
@ Hey Pia, we're spreading the word to boycottIdol. You deserve to win!!
 Siobhan Magnus Fans 
BOYCOTT IDOL. Watch Survivor, baseball, NBA Pllayoffs soon and wrestling which has more credibilty than idol
 Thia Megia Fan Club 
BOYCOTT IDOL. Watch Survivor, baseball, NBA Pllayoffs soon and wrestling which has more credibilty than idol
poor pia was s sick after getting voted off the medic had 2 help her off the stage do it 4 the sanity in the world boycott american idol
wow. american idol, wat a mistake. u just let ur best singer slip right through ur hands. so spread the word and boycott american idol!!
 Natalie Blackwell 
Almost tempted to boycott American Idol after the result this week. Fuming!
 James Lim 
Myself and wife boycott American Idol after  voted out. Idol  !
 Aileen Toh 
Pia is the latest American Idol "casualty" - what a shocking shock! Mom and sis vowed to boycott this show forever. I am cool..
 Will Gatrelle 
@ I believe I'm done with American idol. Seriously Pia was the best. We should boycott the show.
 Tim Rinehart 
@ organize a boycott American idol. This is so wrong. TR
 ♫ Brandon D. ♫ 
Danng...I think every radio & news station this morning has reported about Pia being eliminated from "American Idol" & the possible boycott
 Melissa Sue 
Wow...I say everyone boycott American Idol, for it is no longer a singing competition! Pia was the best vocalist, hands down - and booted?!
 βryΔn SΔn Δndres 
American Idol just lost it's credibility to me. I hope your ratings drop and people boycott your show.
 David Roesler 
Boycott American Idol! The show is not about talent!
@ We have decided to BOYCOTT IDOL in the voting process due to this grave injustice, PIA should be OUR NEXT AMERICANIDOL! No 1 is bettr
 AJ Pizana 
 Richard Jones 
@ Pia is the most talented singer I have ever seen onAmerican Idol, this is outrageous. I may boycott AI from now on.
 Nicolette Guida 
Lol west coast is feelin the burn now!!! Join us on the East Coast and boycott American idol....4real!!!

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