Sunday, April 24, 2011

Twitter Feedback: Disappointing Films

Happy Easter, Everyone!!! People on twitter are tweeting their disappointing films. Films that didn't meet their standards. Here is twitter feedback on disappointing films.

 Whiz Khalifa Fans 

 = Scream 4. Why? because it was so predictable. People Scream and Laugh and the white girl ends up staying alive.

 Epic Tweets 

 Avatar. it's 3 hours long. that's 3 hours i could of earned 15 pounds on minimum wage here. 


 Revolutionary Road. WTF Leo and Kate?!

 Sammie Joyce 

 all the twilight movies!!!!! Sorry but it's my opinion

 neza herdani 

 -> Don't u hate it when people remake good movies instead of remaking the bad movies and fixing them! R-T if u agree

 Micaela Locacciato 

 Hedwardo Medellin 


 Kenan Morris 

.......INSIDUOUS......<-----SCARY A'F.....LEFT OUT THE MOVIE ..!!!!!!!!


 "mean girls 2". so cheesy and not even quotable!

 Lucel Maleon 

 final destination 4, that sucked :\

 Jordan Campbell 

@ LEGALLY BLONDE  lol I'm being an asshole right now on purpose

 Amal S. AlDrees 

 all of Harry Potter's.


 Matrix Revolutions, The Chronicles Of Narnia 3, Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince, Red Riding Hood

 Dannie Aregis 

 the fast and the furious tokyo drift

 Gianela Jimenez 


 Filip Sovrlic 

About to watch "Little Fockers". From what I've heard, it may belong here --------> .


Indiana Jones 4 


 HurtLocker,SemiPro, EvanAlmighty, DinnerForSchmucks, DareDevil, CatWoman, GhostRider,& Funny People! nuff on this topic

 jessica causey 

 definitely the kings speech.... jokes... seriously tho never watch 'wind chill' just awful

 Tereza Teneva 

 Sucker Punch :/

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