Saturday, September 24, 2011

Twitter Feedback: Why I Kiva

Hi My Zombie Readers,

Why I Kiva is a promoted and trending topic on twitter. Kiva give micro-finance loans to people kicks started their business on Here is twitter feedback on Why I Kiva.

 Michelle Dunlap 
.: Because I can afford to put a little money out there to help lift people out of poverty, & so can you, so get to it.

 Karen Bachmann - UX 
Because it can make a tangible, direct, immediate difference in someone's life. It gives power, not charity. 

 Malik Ducard 
I go on with my kids, read the stories, talk about the world, try to help. It's a family affair. That's 1 reason 

 Sara Ledger 
Just noticed Kiva being promoted on Twitter. Couldn't support this more, such a worthwhile cause. Go Kiva! 

 Brent Marykuca 
I lend $25/month via Kiva to help 3rd world entrepreneurs. When I'm paid back, I lend it to others. The benefits multiply. 

 I'm just a student, but still find the $25 to help change another person's life every month via  .

 Doug Jossem 
Just made a donation to  what a cool organization! You should def check it out  is because i can help.

You can make a big difference with a small amount of money, and just recycle it once your $25.00 loan is repaid. It's 

 Siennah Miller 
 ahh I love kiva, best website ever, make an account and help people out

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