The Japanese Government has order a evacuation at Fukushima Power Plant for the 50 workers. The situation over there got worsen that they are asking the United States Army to step in to stop the reactors. They want Japanese people to save oil unless they need to be ask to evacuate.
Here is twitter feedback on what is going on in Japan.
yeah_Tyler Black mamba
Damnnnn its gonna be a meltdown in Japan cause of the Nuclear power plants
Jonergwu Jon Oner
Fuck, nuclear meltdown
Duder78 A. Merl
This #Fukushima situation is terrible. Who will prevent other reactors from melting down if everyone evacuated?! #japan#meltdown
acreMonstre John Daugherty
#PrayForJapan The disaster continues..all 50 remaining workers have evacuated, reactor #3 in meltdown, sirens going off in Tokyo.
flitterio Francis Litterio
That's it. #Fukushima is abandoned. All workers evacuated. 3 reactors in #meltdown, 1 on fire, 2 overheating:
RemixxWorld Remix Ninja
@DanielleCNN not anymore. I heard the workers bailed. What is the protocol to stop a meltdown in a worst case scenario? Go to Moon?
UnitedUniverse Haleh
RT @acarvin: AP: #Japan suspends operations to prevent ameltdown at one reactor, says work conditions too dangerous due to radiation surge.
adrien_tougas Adrien Tougas
Everyone who's freaking out about Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor needs to read this:
GrahamDWilson Graham Wilson
so the Japanese have chucked it at Fukushima? do they realize that they've just completely given up on their country?
ecstaticist Evan Leeson
It is being widely reported that workers have abandoned theFukushima Nuclear facility. Outcome unknown.
Bree_R Bree Roberts
'Don't listen to the Japanese government': Aussie expat tells ofFukushima chaos… via @theage
rickstark90 Rick Stark
I keep hoping to see a correction come across my feed: Daiichi Plant under control. Sadly, it seems full meltdown is underway.
MattBridgewater Matt Bridgewater
Meltdown? #Fukushima #Japan
blubxessentials migz amposta
Oh my nuclear meltdown! :( scary!
cokeman Mike
Eeeeeps. Now ALL workers are being evacuated from Fukushima Daiichi plant.
TimothyS Tim Shorrock
What is the US military going to do with burning, out-of-control nuclear reactors in partial meltdown? Does JSOC have a secret fire brigade?
Galrahn Raymond Pritchett
Abandoning the plant is the fastest way to make the crisis worse. If it is unavoidable, then this is the full blown meltdown scenario.
takairiei リエイ
Fukushima Daiichi Reactor was not abandoned, media needs a better choice of words for headlines.
kittyuncle nanny Abu
Anti-meltdown efforts at the plant suspended due to a radiation spike! even on the other side of the world, it makes me nervous!
ToneyBrooks Toney Brooks NewsBot
@ANONOPN Certainly confirm that. The last workers at the Fukushima #1 complex were safely evacuated. Plant is abandoned and in meltdown.
nlitenmebabe Al Bree
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