Friday, June 21, 2013

Blogathon #13: Twitter Feedback: NSA

Hi Cyber Zombies,

National Security Agency has been worldwide trending topic on twitter a week ago. National Security has been gathering information from people illegal that Electronic Frontier Foundation is suing the National Security Agency. Here is twitter feedback on the National Security Agency.

Facebook's Former Security Chief Now Works for the .

Real friends don't spy on you, don't sneak-read your mail or eavesdrop on your conversations.
Keep driving these home: 1) claims right to spy on us w/o warrant and 2) allows NSA to keep our data for five years w/o warrant.

Don't EVER use .com for a blog! They work for , & anything you say about Google's involvement w/the w/kill your blog!

Information is power. But; like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. Aaron Swartz

Our view: US citizens are told so little on government spying, they lack the info to have an informed opinion:

Big Brother *Pre-Crime* Artificial Intelligence Program

So, the same foreign power from which we secured our independence is now helping our government to violate our Constitution?

1 comment:

  1. Hello, thought I would say hey as we are in the same event. Have a nice weekend and if there is time stop by and visit me as I have a linky up to be able to stay in touch with everyone.
