Tuesday, January 4, 2011

MTA New Fare Chart

Approved Fares, Effective December 30, 2010

The following are the approved fares for NYC Transit subways and buses, MTA Bus, Long Island Bus, MTA Staten Island Railway, and Access-A-Ride and Able-Ride paratransit services.
Fare TypeNew Fare
Base Fare
Cash or Pay-per-Ride MetroCard
Single-Ride Ticket$2.50
Express Bus Fare$5.50
Pay-per Ride MetroCard Bonus Value7% @ $10.00
30-Day Unlimited Ride Pass$104.00
7-Day Unlimited Ride Pass$29.00
7-Day Express Bus Plus Pass$50.00
14-Day PassDiscontinued
1-Day Fun PassDiscontinued
New MetroCard Purchases In-System$1.00
(to take effect in the 2nd half of 2011)
Paratransit Fares
• Access-a-Ride (NYC):
• Able-Ride (Nassau County):

Credit: MTA

1 comment:

  1. The new "30 day unlimited" metrocard according to the MTA website only guarantees 50-60 rides per month. My question is does that include the free transfer from bus-to-bus, bus-to-subway and subway-to-bus?

    I take 2 buses to go to work everyday. I asked that question to both bus operators but they didn't seem to know.

    I started to notice when each time I swipe or use the metrocard, it does not indicate anywhere how many rides there are left...so straphangers beware!!!
